Brief History of Law Enforcement Division

A brief history of Kansas Law related to Law Enforcement Division

Kansas Game Wardens 1928

Kansas Game Wardens 1928

In 1911, K.S.A. 32-107 established that "ownership of and title to all wild animals, birds and fishes, both resident and migratory, in the state, not held by private ownerships legally acquired, shall be and are hereby declared to be in the State". In 1927, K.S.A. 74-3301 et. seq., as amended, established the Forestry, Fish and Game Commission as the state agency charged with authority, control and jurisdiction over the conservation of the natural resources of the state, dealing with wildlife and its habitats.

Since they were originally enacted, several additions to the original charges to the Commission in K.S.A. chapters 32 and 74 have been made by the Legislature. These included the authorization to establish open and closed seasons and bag limits on "any species of game, game birds or other birds, fish and furbearing animals", to disseminate information for the public good.

In 1969, K.S.A. 82a-804 through 819 directed the Commission to resume responsibility for recreational boating safety and law enforcement on public waters in Kansas.

In 1975, K.S.A. 32-501-510 directed the Commission to conduct investigations and establish programs for the conservation of nongame and threatened and endangered species.

In 1987 the Kansas Fish and Game Department was combined with the Kansas Parks Authority to form the current Kansas Wildlife and Parks Department. During this time the statutes and regulations were recodified to address the merger.